Economic Metrics for Memphis by
Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity

48.6% – Percentage of Memphis metro households who earn incomes that do not allow
them to meet basic needs

61.1% – Increase in cost of necessities for four-person family since 2005 – from $49,222
to $79,415

2.6% – Gain in purchasing since 2005

22.5% – Average rent for a one-bedroom unit, less than the 25.4% spent in 2005

42% – Percentage of adults 25 and over with postsecondary degree – ranks #45 out of 50
largest MSAs

23.5% – Low-wage occupations – two fulltime earners cannot support basic needs of
four-person family

66.8% – Middle-wage occupations – two fulltime earners can support basic needs of
four-person family

9.4% – High-wage occupations – single fulltime earner can support basic needs of
four-person family


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