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Author: Josh Whitehead

A Case For Fisherville

In my last post, I discussed the fallacy of a city – any city – approving new developments at its periphery when all available evidence shows that said developments, be they residential or retail, are simply cannibalizing...

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Poplar Avenue: Memphis’ Gold Coast

It is little news to anyone familiar with the Memphis market that property along the Poplar corridor is  by far the most reliable real estate investment in the region.  Generally speaking, the closer a particular property is to...

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Latest Bill Day Cartoon

The Trap, A Cartoon by Award-Winning Bill Day

by Bill Day. Memphian Bill Day is two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning. His cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. Cartoons Archive →

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About Smart City Memphis

Since 2005, this has been Smart City Consulting’s blog with the aim of connecting the dots and providing perspective on issues and policies shaping Memphis.  Editor and primary author is Tom Jones, columnist, author of two books, and consultant on public policy.  Smart City Memphis was called one of the most intriguing blogs in the U.S. by the Pew Partnership for Civic Change; The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal wrote that “Smart City Memphis provides some of the most well-thought-out thinking about Memphis’ past, present, and future you’ll find anywhere,” and the Memphis Flyer said: “This incredibly well-written blog sets out to solves the city’s ills – from the mayor to MATA – with out-of-the-box thinking, fresh approaches to old problems, and new ideas. If you have questions, submissions, or ideas for posts, please email Tom Jones, at

