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by Bill Day. Memphian Bill Day is two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning. His cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. Cartoons Archive →
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About Smart City Memphis
Since 2005, this has been Smart City Consulting’s blog with the aim of connecting the dots and providing perspective on issues and policies shaping Memphis. Editor and primary author is Tom Jones, columnist at Memphis magazine, author of two books and a museum exhibition, and consultant on public policy and strategic planning. Smart City Memphis was called one of the most intriguing blogs in the U.S. by the Pew Partnership for Civic Change; The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal wrote: “Smart City Memphis provides some of the most well-thought-out thinking about Memphis’ past, present, and future you’ll find anywhere,” and the Memphis Flyer said: “This incredibly well-written blog sets out to solves the city’s ills – from the mayor to MATA – with out-of-the-box thinking, fresh approaches to old problems, and new ideas.” If you have questions, submissions, or ideas for posts, please email Tom Jones, at tjones@smartcityconsulting.com.
Did you actually SEE who these idiots are ?? they are mostly academic types that used to wear Earth Shoes
Take a close look at the film, the Panel Members, the talking heads, and every shot of the cyclists in the film riding in the dangerous narrow streets of Boston.
First and foremost, the ‘expert panel’ of planners are 99.9 % WHITE/ANGLO men.
Second, and more interesting and revealing 100% of the cyclists in their geeky attire, and some suits were also WHITE/ANGLO
I saw one Black talking head.
None of the cyslists riding around were BLACK, and I don’t think there was one HISPANIC either (in freekin Boston ???)
That’s an important point. The vast vast majority of people clammering for bike usage in an urban environment are WHITE/ANGLO.
If you don’t “see” BLACKS (e.g. women) riding bikes in cities like Boston or SanFran or Chicago, in significant numbers, how the devil is this sort of approach to clammering for bike usage and bike lanes going to result in massive usage by BLACK and HISPANICS in a city like Memphis, TN which has a minority WHITE POPULATION ?
BLACKS and Hispanics aren’t riding bikes NOW in Memphis, Detroit, Birmingham, Dallas or even Miami.
Are these pinheads going to think that BLACKS and HISPANICS are going to have an epiphany about the so-called merits of riding bikes to the office ala Boston ?? I don’t think so..
More important is the fact that Memphis has a very large FEMALE (blk) population ! Women aren’t generally drawn to riding bikes to work or certainly not to go shopping or pick up her kids from school or daycare.
So who’s left ? Men…and the only ones it seems that are touting this sort of transformation are overwhelmingly a small number of vocal WHITE academic planner/pinhead types …a very narrow demographic..
MEMPHIS TN has nothing in common with Boston.
Memphis has nothing in common with a Portland !
And certainly it has nothing in common with a NYC.
My contention is that you’re NOT going to see a burning desire for Black women of Memphis to jump on their bikes to go to work-or any where else
you ‘might’ see a few strange Midtown WHITE ladies engage in that conduct
if government exists to serve the obvious needs and safety of the popluace, this planning ‘fad’ of bike usage is a waste of scarce resources for most of the present population and its needs…there seems to be bigger needs for the community than promotion of bike usgae for heaven’s sake..
This Memphis pipedream is hardly a pressing priority for most of the community, and I doubt think a need will exist for a very very very long time if ever..
So go back and WATCH this video and take a close look at these pinheads in Boston….then superimpose MEMPHIS TN in that proposition..
I actually choked on my coffee while laughing
Anon is showing their total lack of knowledge where Boston demographics are concerned.
As for African Americans riding in Memphis, they show even less knowledge of what is actually happening on the street. I see several African Americans as well as 2 Hispanic neighbors and a host of others riding down my street daily and I live on a small neighborhood side street.
Heck, the film speaks for itself..no blacks or hispancis riding bikes in that film that I SAW
You can not seriously assert, contend or believe that the majority black population of Memphis Tn, especially black females are riding damn bikes in the Mempis MSA
I don’t see it
sure, the above poster must live in MIdtowN ! THAT’SMY GUESS lol, because he or she hasn’t seen anything in South Memphis, Hickory Hill, North Memphis, Bartlett or places like Germantown or Collierville
There are NOT a vast number of blacks and black women riding around Memphis TN on their bikes !
You’re dreaming or fail to understand that the majority i.e. BLACK population of Memphis TN is not seen on bikes as portrayed in that film in Boston….hell, you don’t see them in Boston either, and the film did not have ONE picture of a minority or black bikes rider featured in that film !
You have to be crazy to believe that you’re going to see a plethora of black women attracted to hoping on a goddam bicycle to ride to work in freekin Memphis, TN
Where is the evidence of such contention ? pictures ?
studies in the black community ? surveys in the Memphis black population (the majority)…
It’s not happening friend in Memphis TN
I rode the length of the Greenline and through Shelby Farms a few weeks ago and saw plenty of black people both riding and walking/running. But don’t let facts get in the way of your addle-headed rants, shekel. Craaaaa-zeee, koo-koo.
Anonymous: And I bet black people don’t swim either, right?
Or play golf.
Or play Lacrosse.
Or play Tennnis.
Or play Hockey.
Or play Volleyball.
Or play Water polo.
Or play tbale tennis.
Or play college baseball.
Or play Rugby.
Or poly badminton.
Or cycle.
you’d die from heat stroke, cycling in my city. I don’t see or I should say foresee the event of a large number of blacks cycling to work here either – really that’s sort of far fetched around here too
I think that’s somebody else’s dream of things that are visions of sugarplums in my opinion